Monday, March 17, 2014

Characterization, Fahrenheit 451, 03/17/14

In the book Fahrenheit 451 there is a very interesting and crazy girl named Clarisse. I think Clarisse has long blonde and is skinny. Montag first met Clarisse after he had burned some books and Clarisse was walking down the street late at night. Clarisse said, “I’m seventeen and I’m crazy… I like to smell and look at things, and sometimes stay up all night…” I thought this was very interesting and wanted me to read more, and find out the impact that she was going to have in this book and on Montag. After meeting Clarisse, Montag starts questioning his life, job and marriage. At first Montag thought society was a good place to live, but now he isn't so sure. He is not even sure if he is happy.

                Clarisse questions the society and thinks books should not be burned, she thinks books are valuable. Clarisse also isn't afraid firefighters like most people are. She believes that firefighters used to put out fires instead of make them, which most people don’t. I think it was a good idea for the author to put in someone that questions the society. When Clarisse dies- gets hit by a car- that is when Montag starts questioning everything. When Montag had met Clarisse he started hoarding books but after she died he started reading the books. This shows very good character development with Montag.  I want to know if Montag will try and stop burning book and change the Utopian society. I think he will tell Captain Beatty what he is thinking and he will get in trouble and possibly killed, or he will change the Utopian society.

This is what i imagine Clarisse looking like: 

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